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Facebook Android App gets Timeline Feature

Facebook has just upgraded its application for Android OS users. The company has uploaded an upgraded version 1.8.3 to the Market for all Android based smartphones.

Facebook has improved a few existing features and also added their newest  and the most desired feature to its Android App -  “Facebook Timeline.”

The Timeline is a latest feature to show your Facebook profile, which automatically sets events in your life into chronological order.

Prior to this week, the company also integrated its latest Timeline feature for iOS platform and the app has received pretty good reviews from users, so it’s a great approach to add timeline feature for Android platform.

On the other hand, some Android users are not satisfied with the upgraded app and have posted some negative reviews about battery power consumption and large file size of the app (around 12MB) on Android Market. Many users are saying that the upgraded app is running slow.

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Mayank Sehgal


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